Robert F. Wilson, Ph.D. R.Psych.


My primary mode of service delivery is face-to-face treatment in my office in the village of Horseshoe Bay, West Vancouver. However, many of my referrals have been from people unable to access office services for geographic reasons or with special needs (office is wheelchair accessible). Therefore, I pioneered live chat-room services over the internet in 1998. More recently, I have expanded my practice to include therapy using Skype. These internet services are subject to special protocols not required in face-to-face therapy for security reasons. My practice focuses primarily on adults confronting issues of anxiety, depression, work distress, grief, retirement and relationship problems, and I provide a 5 session proactive course for individual couples titled, "Building a resilient relationship."


A key component of my practice focuses on people seeking non-pharmaceutical strategies to deal with situations causing excessive worry and personal distress, as well as people with clinical levels of anxiety and depression. In those instances when medication may be useful, I work closely with family doctors to coordinate a positive treatment outcome.

I help individuals understand the process that has led to their distress, and then teach the skills and tools necessary to bring the stress within acceptable limits as rapidly as possible. I do this within the context of a supportive professional relationship. My focus is on pragmatic short-term solutions using the most effective therapeutic tools available.


As a former CEO and Chairman of the Board of a successful international psychological services firm, I have had first-hand experience of the unique stresses faced by executives and professionals. I understand the requirement for a confidential relationship with a clinician who has both a strong business background and the skills necessary to secure a rapid recovery.

This same background has resulted in my receiving many referrals from high-profile individuals from the entertainment, sports, and media fields, where both symptom management and privacy are of the utmost importance.


Often, stresses encountered are a result of dysfunctional relationships with co-workers, spouses, other family members, or friends. The majority of my practice has been referrals involving one or more of the above combinations.

Difficulties in interpersonal and communication skills are often the source of relationship discord. I have had, and continue to pursue, extensive training in techniques to help individuals improve these skills.


Individual counselling: $185.00/hour
Relationship counselling: $185.00/hour
Executive/Professional consulting/counselling: $200.00/hour
Retirees: $165.00/hour
Building a Resilient Relationship course: $950.00

As a Doctoral level Registered Psychologist your Extended Medical Benefits plan will reimburse you for treatment costs to the extent of your company or organization's plan.